While working in PnT (Position Navigation Timing) Technology, I have list out some abbreviations for beginners.

Global positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) systems based on satellites are collectively referred to as GNSS (or Global Navigation Satellite System). One such sort of global navigation satellite system is the GPS (or Global Positioning System).

The US Department of Defense created GPS in the 1970s for military usage under the name “NAVSTAR” (Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging). Following the launch of the first satellite in 1978, GPS technology advanced swiftly and started to permeate many facets of our daily life. Yet it wasn’t until until 2000, when Selective Availability was turned off, that it became fully widespread.

CPMCarrier Phase Measurement ReceiverLow Noise measurement observable ¬few mm’s
BITEBult In Test Equipment 
STATStatus Message 
1PPS1 Pulse-per-second 
SSUMStatus Summary 
PRNPseudorandom noise Each satellite within a GNSS constellation has a unique PRN code that it transmits as part of the C/A navigation message
Galileo PRSPublic Regulated Servicean encrypted positioning, navigation and timing service provided by the Galileo satellite
GEOGeostationary satellitegeostationary satellite is thus vertical to the equator, and appears fixed for a terrestrial observer
GSOGeosynchronous Satellitesatellite whose period of sidereal revolution is equal to the period of sidereal rotation of the Earth, and of any a priori inclination and eccentricity. This is the type of orbit used for QZSS.
SBASSatellite Based Augmentation SystemSatellite complement of a satellite navigation system.
SDCMSystem for Differential Corrections and Monitoring 
SCCSystem Control centerInfrastructure that makes it possible to control and monitor the operation of a GNSS
GSSGalileo Sensor Stations 
GAground antenna 
ULSupload stations 
TT&CTelemetry tracking and control station 
SLRLaser ranging station 
SISSignal In SpaceSatellite signal in space of a satellite navigation system
SPSStandard Positioning ServiceStandard Positioning Service of the GPS system, accessible to all, providing instantaneous position, speed and synchronization
STANAGSTANdardization AgreementNATO standardization document. The STANAG for the GPS system is STANAG 4294
CORSPermanent GNSS stationstation equipped with a GNSS receiver which observes continuously.
VRSVirtual StationStation whose coordinates are fixed and for which pseudo-measurements are generated used to determine a nearby unknown station
S.V.Space VehicleIdentification number of the GPS satellites according to the order of launch
 Multipathpropagation phenomenon defined by the reception of a parasitic reflection which is added to the signal in direct propagation
 Triple differenceLinear combination of phase (or code) measurements generally corresponding to a difference in time of double differences with respect to two receivers and two satellites. Used in particular for the detection of cycle jumps.
TTFFTime to First FixDelay between powering on a receiver and obtaining the first position solution.
EBUUser Equivalent Range ErrorTranscription in units understandable by the user of the various errors affecting the components involved in a GNSS calculation. For example, the clock error is converted into a distance.
URAUser Range AccuracyEstimator of ephemeris error and satellite clock bias. This value is independent of location and time and is provided in the GPS navigation data.
ERUUser Range ErrorComponent of the error linked to the spatial part during a geolocation calculation (ephemerides, clocks).
VDOPVertical Dilution Of PrecisionPrecision attenuation coefficient on the vertical component of the instantaneous positioning result.
RSVVirtual Reference Stationtechnique used for real time which simulates observations at this station by interpolation on real permanent stations surrounding it.
WAASWide Area Augmentation SystemUS GPS Augmentation System.
WGSWorld Geodetic SystemGeodetic reference system initially produced by the DMA.
Y Code Encrypted version of the P code.
PPSPrecise Positioning Service 
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
EGNOSEuropean Geo-Stationary Navigation System 
FIFOFirst In, First Out 
FKPFlachen Korrectur Parameter (Plane Correction Parameter) German 
2-D or 2DTwo Dimensional 
3-D or 3DThree Dimensional 
ACAlternating Current 
ADCAnalog-to-Digital Convertor 
ADRAccumulated Doppler Range 
ADRAccumulated Delta Range 
AGCAutomatic Gain Control 
AKAuthentication Key 
ALAlarm Limit 
AltBOCAlternate Binary Offset Carrier 
AMSATAmerican Satellite 
APCAircraft Power Conditioner 
ARNSAeronautical Radio Navigation Services 
ARPAntenna Reference Point 
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange 
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuits 
AVLAutomated Vehicle Locations 
BCDBinary Code Decimal 
BDEBorland Database Engine 
BDSBlack Diamond System 
BFSBroadband Fiber Source 
BIHBureau l’International de l’Heure 
BISTBuilt-In Self-Test 
BITBuilt-In Test 
BNRBinary Numerical Representation 
BOCBinary Offset Carrier 
BPSBits per Second 
BPSKBi-Phase Shift Key 
BSGBaseband Signal Generator 
BTSConventional Terrestrial System (BIH defined) 
C/A CodeCoarse/Acquisition Code 
CANController Area Network 
CASMCoherent Adaptive Subcarrier Modulation 
CBITContinuous Built In Test 
ccCubic Centimeters 
CCITTCommand, Control, and Intelligence Technical Test 
CDClock Drift 
CDCompact Disc 
cdChange Directory 
CDGPSCanada-Wide Differential Global Positioning System 
CDMACode Division Multiple AccessC/A Code – 1.023 MHz coarse acquisition code, repeat @ 1ms P(Y) Code – 10.23 MHz, encrypted M Code – New military spilt spectrum L2C, L5, L1C – New civil codes
CDPDCellular Digital Packet Data 
CDUControl and Display Unit 
CEConformité Européenna 
CEPCircular Error Probable 
CFCompact Flash 
CFGPConfiguration Parameters 
CISPRInternational Special Committee On Radio Interference 
CKSCClock/Status Card 
CLLong Code 
CLKSystem Clock 
CMModerate Length Code 
CMGCourse Made Good 
CMPComparator Message Processor 
CMRCompact Measurement Record 
C/NoPost Correlation Carrier to Noise Ratio in dB-Hz 
CoComCoordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls 
COGCourse Over Ground 
COGOCoordinate Geometry 
COSPASCosmitscheskaja Sistema Poiska Awarinitsch Sudow (Russian: space system for search of vessels in distress) 
CPLDComplex Programmable Logic Device 
CPUCentral Processing Unit 
CRCarriage Return 
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check 
CRRCommon Reference Receiver 
CSCommercial Service 
CSICCoordination Scientific Information Center 
CSACanada Shipping Act 
CTPConventional Terrestrial Pole 
CTSClear To Send 
CTSConventional Terrestrial System or Clear To Send 
CWContinuous Wave 
dBmDecibel Relative to 1 milliWatt 
DCDirect Current 
DCDData Carrier Detected 
DCEData Communications Equipment (Modem) 
DCODigitally Controlled Oscillator 
DDSDirect Digitial Sampling 
DGNSSDifferential Global Navigation Satellite System 
DGPSDifferential Global Positioning SystemNASA provide realtime corrections to the broadcast GPS satellite ephermeris and clock data Reduces ephermeris and clock errors from few meters to a few cm
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol 
DLData Logger 
DLLDelay Lock Loop 
DoDDepartment of Defence (U.S.) 
DOPDilution Of Precision 
DPBDigital Pulse Blanking 
DRDead Reckoning 
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory 
DRMSDistance Root Mean Square 
DSPDigital Signal Processor 
DSRData Set Ready 
DTEData Terminal Equipment 
DTRData Terminal Ready 
E-LEarly to Late 
EDMElectronic Distance Measuring (instrument) 
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility 
EMIElectromagnetic Immunity 
EPEngineering Practice 
ESAEuropean Space Agency 
ESDElectrostatic Discharge 
ESNElectronic Serial Number 
FAAFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) 
FCCFederal Communication Commission 
FDAFrequency Distribution Amplifier 
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access 
FECForward Error Correction 
FEPROMFlash Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
FLLFrequency Lock Loop 
FMEAFailure Mode Effects Analysis 
FOCFull Operational Capability 
FOGFibre Optic Gyro 
FOMFigure of Merit 
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array 
FRFactory Reset 
FTPFile Transfer Protocol 
FTSFrequency and Time Standard 
GAGANGPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation (India) 
GaInGalileo Industries 
GCCGalileo Control Centre 
GDOPGeometric Dilution Of PrecisionQuality of receiver-to-GPS satellite range geometry
GICGPS Integrity Channel 
GLONASSGlobal Navigation Satellite System 
GMSGround Mission Segment 
GMTGreenwich Mean Time 
GNCombined GPS and GLONASS (NMEA talker ID) 
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System 
G.P.Ground Plane 
GPGPS (NMEA talker ID) 
GPAIGeneral Purpose Analog Input 
GPSGlobal Positioning System 
GRCGalileo Reception Chain 
GRCNGalileo Reception Chain Non-PRS 
GSTBGalileo System Test Bed 
GTRGalileo Test Receiver 
GTSGalileo Test Signal Generator 
GUIGraphical User Interface 
GUSGround Uplink Station 
GUSTRWAAS GUS-Type 1 Receiver 
HDOPHorizontal Dilution Of Precision 
HFOMHorizontal Figure of Merit 
HMACHashed Message Authentication Code 
HPHigh Performance (standard OmniSTAR service) 
HTDOPHorizontal position and Time Dilution Of Precision 
I and QIn-Phase and Quadrature (Channels) 
I ChannelIn-phase data channel 
IBITInitiated Built In Test 
ICIntegrated Circuit 
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization 
ICDInterface Control Document 
ICPIntegrated Carrier Phase 
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission 
IEEEInstitute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers 
IERSInternational Earth Rotation Service 
IFIntermediate Frequency 
IGPIonospheric Grid Point 
IGRFInternational Geometric Reference Field 
IGS CBInternational GPS Service Central Bureau 
IMLAIntegrated Multipath Limiting Antenna 
IMOInternational Maritime Organization 
IMUInertial Measuring Unit 
INSInertial Navigation System 
IODEIssue of Data (Ephemeris) 
IOVIn-Orbit Validation 
IPInternet Protocol 
IRQInterrupt Request 
ISGIF Signal Generator 
ISOInternational Standards Organization 
ITRFInternational Terrestrial Reference System 
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA) 
JTAGJoint Test Action Group 
KPAKlystron Power Amplifier 
KMFKey Management Facility 
L1The 1575.42 MHz GPS carrier frequency including C/A and P Code 
L2The 1227.60 MHz secondary GPS carrier frequency (P Code only) 
L2CThe L2 civilian code transmitted at the L2 frequency (1227.6 MHz) 
L53rd civil GPS frequency that tracks at low signal-to-noise ratios (1176.45 MHz) 
LAASLocal Area Augmentation System 
LCDLiquid Crystal Display 
LEDLight-Emitting Diode 
LFLine Feed 
LGFLAAS Ground Facility 
LHCPLeft Hand Circular Polarization 
LMELine Maintenance Equipment 
LNALow Noise Amplifier 
LOLocal Oscillator 
LRULine Replacement Unit 
LSBLeast significant bit 
LVTTLLow Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic 
MACMedia Access Control (Ethernet) 
MATMultipath Assessment Tool 
MEDLL®Multipath Estimation Delay Lock Loop 
MEOMedium Earth Orbit 
METMultipath Elimination Technology 
MGRSMilitary Grid Reference Systems 
MIBManagement Information Base 
MINOSMultiple Independent NOmadic Stargazer 
MKIMark Input 
MKMFMission Key Management Facility 
MMCXMultimedia Communications Exchange (Lucent) 
MMTMultipath Mitigation Technology 
MOPSMinimum Operational Performance Standard 
MPMessag Processor 
MPCModulated Precision Clock 
MPMMultipath Meter 
MSASMTSAT Satellite Based Augmentation System 
MSATMobile Satellite 
MSBMost significant bit 
MSLMean sea level 
MSRMeasure Output 
MTBFMean Time Between Failures 
MTSATMulti-Functional Transport Satellite 
N/ANot Applicable 
NASNational Airspace System (United States) 
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.) 
NTSNational Topographic Series (Canada) 
NAVRINEX Ephemeris File 
NAVSTARNAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging (synonymous with GPS) 
N/C or NCNot Connected 
NCCNetwork Control Center 
NCONumerically Controlled Oscillator 
NDNavigation Data 
NMEANational Marine Electronics Association 
N. mi.Nautical mile 
NOCNetwork Operations Center 
NVMNon-Volatile Memory 
OBSRINEX Observation File 
OCXOOven Controlled Crystal Oscillator 
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer 
OPOperational Parameters 
OSOpen Service 
PACPulsed Aperture Correlator 
PCPersonal Computer 
PCPhase Centre 
P-CodePrecise Code 
PBITPower-Up Built-In Test 
PCBPrinted Circuit Board 
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association 
PDCPower and Data Card 
PDFPower Distribution Function 
PDFPortable Document File 
PDOPPosition Dilution Of Precision 
PE-90Parameters of the Earth 1990 (see PZ90) 
PINPosition Indicator 
PLLPhase Lock Loop 
PPMParts Per Million 
PPPPoint to Point Protocol 
PPSPrecise Positioning Service or Pulse Per Second 
PRN#PseudoRandom Noise number 
PSNPart Serial Number 
PVPosition Valid 
PVTPosition Velocity Time 
PZ90Parametry Zemli 1990 (see PE-90) 
Q ChannelQuadrature data-free channel 
RAMRandom Access Memory 
RASRemote Access Service 
RCCRescue Co-ordination Centre 
RFRadio Frequency 
RFDCRadio Frequency Direct Current 
RFURadio Frequency Uplink 
RHCPRight Hand Circular Polarization 
RIRing Indicator 
RINEXReceiver Independent Exchange Format 
RLGRing Laser Gyro 
RoHSRestriction of the use of Hazardous Substances 
RMRaw Measurements 
ROMRead Only Memory 
RMAReturn Material Authorization 
RMSRoot Mean Square 
RSSResidual Solution Status 
RTCReal-Time Clock 
RTCARadio Technical Commission for Aviation Services 
RTCMRadio Technical Commission for Maritime Services 
RTCMV3RTCM Version 3.0 
RTKReal Time Kinematic 
RTSRequest To Send 
RXDReceived Data 
SASelective Availability 
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers 
SARSearch and Rescue 
SARSATSearch and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking 
SCSafety Computer 
SCAT-ISpecial Category I 
SDStandard Deviation 
SEPSpherical Error Probable 
SGSignal Generator 
SGS-90Soviet Geodetic System 1990 
SISystème Internationale 
SigGenWAAS GUS Type-1 Signal Generator 
SiSSignal in Space 
SLIPSerial Line Internet Protocol 
SNASSatellite Navigation Augmentation System (China) 
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio 
SPSStandard Position Service 
spsSymbols Per Second 
SPAN™Synchronized Position Attitude Navigation 
SQMSignal Quality Monitoring 
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory 
SU(former) Soviet Union (now Russia) 
SVSpace Vehicle 
SVIDSpace Vehicle Identifier 
SVNSpace Vehicle Number 
SWRUSoftware Replacement Unit 
TCPTransmission Control Protocol 
TCXOTemperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator 
TDOPTime Dilution Of Precision 
TESTime Estimator Status 
TILTime Integrity Limit 
TNMTelecommunications Network Management 
TOATime of Almanac 
TOETime of Ephemeris 
TOWTime of Week 
TRAIMTime Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor 
TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic 
TTNLTime to Narrow Lane 
TVSTransient Voltage Suppressor 
TXDTransmitted Data 
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 
UDPUser Datagram Protocol 
UDREUser Differential Range Error 
UHFUltra High Frequency 
USBUniversal Serial Bus 
USGSUnited States Geological Survey 
UTCCoordinated Universal Time 
UTC(SU)Coordinated Universal Time (former Soviet Union, now Russia 
V ACVolts Alternating Current 
V DCVolts Direct Current 
VARFVariable Frequency 
VBSVirtual Base Station (standard OmniSTAR service) 
VCTCXOVoltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator 
VFDVacuum Fluorescent Display 
VFOMVertical Figure of Merit 
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio 
WAAS G-IIWAAS Reference Receiver: G-II 
WEEEWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 
WHQLWindows Hardware Quality Lab (Microsoft) 
WMPWAAS Message Processor 
WNAWeek number of almanac 
XPExtra Performance (standard OmniSTAR service) 
XTECrosstrack Error 
ZUPTZero Velocity Update 
FATFactory Acceptance Test 
TASThales Alenia Space 
GPS AlmanacGlobal Positioning System Almanac(accurate ¬1km) provides compact representation of entire constellation. Each satellite transmits the almanac for all satellites in the constellation. Receivers use it to predict satellite orbit visibility, but do use it directly for position.
WAASWide Area Augmentation SystemAugmentation information to GPS receivers to enhance the accuracy, availablity, and integrity of position estimates. Relies on signnal broadcast by geostationary satellite, GPS L1 Frequency Comission July 2003
GBASGround-based Augmentation SystemAugmentation to GPS that focuses it’s service on airport area (approx. a 20-30 mile radius) Broadcasts correction message via a very high frequency (VHF) radio data link from a ground-based transmitter.
URE / UEREUser Range Error / User Equivalent Range ErrorMeasure accuracy of pseudorange along the line-of-sight direction from a particular satellite to the user. Indication of signal quality Stability of particular satellite’s clock. Predictability of satellite’s orbit

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